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Dad covered in tattoos undergoes transformation for his young daughter

Ethan Bramble, a man from Australia, is known around the world because he transformed his body in a way that most of us would...

Daughter won’t do chores to pay rent, internet calls dad a jerk

In a world where young adults struggle with high costs of living, one father and his daughter made a unique deal. Twenty-year-old Anna, who is...

Boy is bullied for wearing a pink T-shirt; seeing his teacher the next day is heart-wrenching

Nine-year-old William Gierke from Wisconsin wore a pink T-shirt to school one day, excited to support a cause close to his heart. The shirt, which...

Clint Eastwood unseen for 450 days—concerns arise about possible decline in health

Clint Eastwood has had an extraordinary career, achieving numerous accomplishments as an iconic actor and director. His legacy in the world of cinema was...

Girl who was bullied at school for her looks is named Miss England

Jessica Gagen an Aerospace engineering student who was bullied, burnt, and spat on because of her red hair while still in school, has silenced...